Open and looking for full time opportunities


Open and looking for full time opportunities


Design System

Design System

Web Design

Web Design

The Challenge:

After establishing a strong brand identity and standardized frameworks, the challenge is to ensure that the Design System remains comprehensible to any designer or developer who needs to implement it, even after building components using basic elements from the system.

The Challenge:

After establishing a strong brand identity and standardized frameworks, the challenge is to ensure that the Design System remains comprehensible to any designer or developer who needs to implement it, even after building components using basic elements from the system.

Complete set for a bank with standards intended to manage the design at scale using reusable components and patterns.

Collaborate with a team of designers and developers to complete a standardized set of design components.

Collaborate with a team of designers and developers to complete a standardized set of design components.

Designed platform assets, from zero to one; using an agile, scrappy process to iterate constantly.

Designed platform assets, from zero to one; using an agile, scrappy process to iterate constantly.

Worked with Figma, Figjam, Google Docs, Meets and Slack

Worked with Figma, Figjam, Google Docs, Meets and Slack



Research, UX/UI Design, Components.

Research, UX/UI Design, Components.



2 months

2 months

The project

The project
The project

The goal

  • Ensure the Design System's comprehensibility for designers and developers of varying skill levels.


  • Maintain consistency and coherence across all design components and frameworks.

  • Facilitate seamless implementation of the Design System for both designers and developers.

  • Uphold the established brand identity while allowing for creative exploration within the Design System.

  • Provide clear documentation and resources to support the utilization of the Design System.

The goal

Design an app that will:

  • Create an emotional connection between users and their memories and between users and the stories shared by others, enhancing the overall user experience.

  • Maintaining a consistent visual identity and branding throughout the app to build trust and recognition among users.

  • Ensuring that information, data, and educational content are presented in a clear and organized manner to prevent information overload and assist users in making informed decisions.


Increased efficiency, improved user experience, scalability, and brand consistency. It provides a solid foundation for creating and maintaining high-quality, user-centric designs while fostering collaboration and facilitating the growth of design practices within an organization.


Increased efficiency, improved user experience, scalability, and brand consistency. It provides a solid foundation for creating and maintaining high-quality, user-centric designs while fostering collaboration and facilitating the growth of design practices within an organization.


Increased efficiency, improved user experience, scalability, and brand consistency. It provides a solid foundation for creating and maintaining high-quality, user-centric designs while fostering collaboration and facilitating the growth of design practices within an organization.

What I learned

From this project, I've learned the vital importance of consistency in maintaining a strong brand identity and seamless user experience. Clear design systems facilitate collaboration between designers and developers, while adaptability and scalability ensure future-proofing. Standardized frameworks streamline efficiency, and user feedback drives continuous improvement. These insights will guide me in creating captivating, user-centered experiences in future projects.

What I learned

From this project, I've learned the vital importance of consistency in maintaining a strong brand identity and seamless user experience. Clear design systems facilitate collaboration between designers and developers, while adaptability and scalability ensure future-proofing. Standardized frameworks streamline efficiency, and user feedback drives continuous improvement. These insights will guide me in creating captivating, user-centered experiences in future projects.

What I learned

From this project, I've learned the vital importance of consistency in maintaining a strong brand identity and seamless user experience. Clear design systems facilitate collaboration between designers and developers, while adaptability and scalability ensure future-proofing. Standardized frameworks streamline efficiency, and user feedback drives continuous improvement. These insights will guide me in creating captivating, user-centered experiences in future projects.

Design Process

Design Process
Design Process

In this project, I began by understanding the brand identity and user needs, collaborating closely with the team to define standardized frameworks. Through iterative design, we ensured the system's comprehensibility and anticipated future updates. I balanced creativity with brand guidelines, crafting cohesive design components across platforms. We documented progress and gathered user feedback to refine the system continuously. This approach enabled us to create captivating product experiences meeting user needs effectively.

In this project, I began by understanding the brand identity and user needs, collaborating closely with the team to define standardized frameworks. Through iterative design, we ensured the system's comprehensibility and anticipated future updates. I balanced creativity with brand guidelines, crafting cohesive design components across platforms. We documented progress and gathered user feedback to refine the system continuously. This approach enabled us to create captivating product experiences meeting user needs effectively.

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    Texta Book IT

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    Texta Book IT


  • Provide clear and visible focus styles for interactive elements, allowing keyboard users to see which element they are currently focused on.

  • Include descriptive alt text for all images to provide context for users who rely on screen readers.

  • Ensure form fields are properly labeled and provide helpful error messages for users who may have difficulty completing forms.

  • Design layouts that accommodate resizable text to ensure readability for users who may need to increase font sizes.

Next Steps

Next Steps
Next Steps
  • Adoption and Documentation: Ensure that the design system is widely adopted by all relevant teams and stakeholders.

  • Governance and Maintenance: Establish a governance model to oversee the maintenance and evolution of the design system.

  • Cross-Team Collaboration: Foster a culture of sharing insights, best practices, and learnings to continuously improve the design system and ensure its effective implementation across different projects and products.

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Nicolas Sanabria Šī¸ 2024

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Nicolas Sanabria Šī¸ 2024

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Say hey! 👋

Nicolas Sanabria Šī¸ 2024